Michele Bachmann wants to put “Intelligent Design Theory” on the Minnesota public school science curriculum. 1

“Intelligent Design Theory” is creationism. 2 “Intelligent Design Theory” (ID) is a theory which asserts that life began as the result of an act of creation by a super-human intelligent designer. Most supporters of ID are people who believe that the Bible’s account of creation in Genesis is a literal and historical fact. There is no support for Intelligent Design theory in any respected peer-reviewed scientific journal. 3

Bachmann introduced a bill into the Minnesota Senate that would require public schools to permit teaching of intelligent design creationism in the school science curriculum. 4

Despite overwhelming evidence of the fact of evolution in field and laboratory studies, Bachmann claims that “evolution has never been proven.” 5 During a radio interview on the KKMS radio program “Talk The Walk”, Senator Bachmann made the following statements about evolution:

1) (Evolution) is a theory that has never been proved, one way or the other.

2) Evolution is a belief; evolution is not a fact.

3) A grain of wheat plus a starfish does not equal a dog, and that this was what evolutionists were teaching in our schools.

4) Senator Bachmann charged that the State of Minnesota would compel students to prove that evolution is “true”, and at the same time prohibit students from bringing in evidence to the contrary. 6. (The State of Minnesota does not do in fact do this.)

Explaining her views on the origin of life and the school curriculum, Bachmann cited the work of Michael Behe, one of the chief spokesmen for Intelligent Design Theory, as an acceptable alternative to the theory of evolution. After that article appeared, Bachmann personally submitted to the editor of the Stillwater Gazette several books that presented the case for Intelligent Design. The books were by authors Phillip E. Johnson, J.P. Moreland, and Charles B. Thaxton; all prominent creationists and ID advocates.


1 Stillwater Gazette, “Schools Should Not Limit Origins-Of-Life Discussions To Evolution, Republican Legislators Say” - http://www.stillwatergazette.com/articles/2003/10/02/export160.txt

2 Interview, Dr. William S. Harris, speaker at the Darwin, Design and Democracy Conference IV in Minneapolis on November 15, 2003.

3 Scientific American, John Rennie, “15 Answers to Creationist Nonsense; July 2002

4 S.F. No. 1714, “School districts science curriculum design requirement”; Senate Authors: Jungbauer; Nienow; Bachmann; Reiter; Hann; introduced 83rd Legislative Session (2003-2004)

5 Stillwater Gazette, “Schools Should Not Limit Origins-Of-Life Discussions To Evolution, Republican Legislators Say” - http://www.stillwatergazette.com/articles/2003/10/02/export160.txt

6 Stillwater Gazette, “Senator Michele Bachmann v. The Theory of Evolution,” September 2003. Available online at - http://stillwatertribune.blogspot.com/2003_09_01_stillwatertribune_archive.html

ISSUE : Bachmann On Creationism